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Ask Julie: 5 Solutions to Seasonal Allergies

Ask Julie: 5 Solutions to Seasonal Allergies

Pollen season is among us! Julie sits down and explains her best protocols for tackling allergy season. Goodbye watery, puffy eyes. Hello, health! Naturopathic medicine is a way that uses natural remedies to help the body heal itself. It's about addressing the root...

The Beauty Within the Struggle

The Beauty Within the Struggle

By Julie Mitchell A number of people who start a fresh, new wellness plan somehow miss the part when I say they may go through some uncomfortable symptoms while moving toward abundant health. Some jump ship within a few days or they become fearful thinking they are...

Allie’s Cherry Almond Chunk Smoothie

Allie’s Cherry Almond Chunk Smoothie

By Allie Mitchell, Certified Health Coach I started making and selling Allie’s Smoothies at my work over 5 years ago and it has been my pleasure watching clients fall in love with smoothies and and wish to make their own healthy versions at home! My goal is to get all...

5 Steps To Balancing Blood Sugar

5 Steps To Balancing Blood Sugar

By Allie Mitchell, Certified Health Coach I've discovered when my blood sugar is balanced, my days are going to be brighter and my moods are going to be happier! Keeping our blood sugar balanced every day means being aware of what we're eating and how much sugar and...

Washing the Mess Away

Washing the Mess Away

by Julie Mitchell Oh, how this world can cause us to get dirty and sick when we abide too long in it without retreating to abide in our Father's presence which always brings refreshing and renewal. Psalm 51:2 “Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from...

Fab 4 Abundant Vitamins + How To Take Them ✨

Fab 4 Abundant Vitamins + How To Take Them ✨

By Allie Mitchell, Certified Health Coach At our office, we have a couple supplements we like to stay on! Here are some essentials we always encourage our clients to keep taking: Abundant Sunshine w/ D3 + K2: It’s a fat-soluble vitamin, so be sure to pair it with your...

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