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Father, You designed the first man to have a profound understanding of the unity he had with the first woman through the bond of their flesh and bones. He was created to desire this woman above all other things because without her, he was alone. By the power of Spirit, there was a transformation of physical flesh from man to be used in the foundational creation of woman. They were created separately but made to be joined like puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together to make a beautiful picture of Your heart of love. Spirit, relationships and marriages are in need of Your fresh REVELATION of how to love completely through balanced giving and receiving. Teach us how to communicate and treat each other well so no hidden agendas can lurk in the dark places of our hearts. May we discipline ourselves to be excellent students of You, the Master Lover, and Your Word. Then we can have Your rivers of living water flow through us to build Your kingdom and seed purposes here on earth for Your glory. In Jesus name.

February 23, 2022

Genesis 2:23 “And Adam said: ‘This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh;she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.’ “


February 23, 2022

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