Bio Meridian Scan

What is the BioMeridian?


*Safe, Non-Invasive, Painless Meridian Stress Assessment Testing Device

*FDA Class IIa medical device used to assess bio-impedance measurements at AcuPoints to determine stressed and weak systems or organs requiring support

How does a BioMeridian scan work?

*It creates a circuit like an EKG or EEG using a highly sensitive ohmmeter

*It measures the impedance of the continuous flow of energy between each meridian point and organ

*It plots the collected data on the graph according to areas that are balanced, stressed or weakened

*It emits a very low current on various AcuPoint locations on the hands and feet

What happens after the scan?

*Software program plots the data collected by organ and phase of health using color chart

*Julie will review the results with you and discuss a wellness plan

*Wellness plans may include dietary and/or lifestyle changes, vitamins, minerals, homeopathic elements, botanicals, essential oils, detoxification programs, additional therapies

Why do a scan?

*Provides objective data to identify organs and systems which may require additional support

*Historical comparison charts from past visits can help clients track the results to clearly see areas of improvements and/or other areas needing support

How should I prepare for this assessment?

*Refrain from using hand or foot creams on day of test

*Remove jewelry on wrists, fingers, ankles and toes, cell phones, and all electronic or magnetic devices

*If you have a pacemaker or any internal electrical device, you are not a candidate for a biomeridian scan

BioMeridian testing is not a medical procedure and our staff does not attempt to diagnose disease.

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