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March 21, 2022

Genesis 3:21 “Also for Adam and his wife the Lord God made tunics of skin, and clothed them.”

Father, You clothe the bareness of our human condition more beautifully and eternally than anything we can construct for ourselves. We cannot reach You and Your righteousness on our own strength or merit; we will always fall short. Feebly, we dress up in costumes of our own making to hide our pain, sin, and foolish choices. Our nature is to hide our mistakes while Your nature is to gently expose them. Our nature is to make excuses for our sin and unforgiveness while Your nature is to lead us to repentance and forgiveness. Our nature wounds while Your nature heals the deepest hurts. Our nature can only be transformed into Your nature by the Blood of Jesus and the power of the Spirit as it moves in us.

We give You freedom to have Your way in us. We surrender all to You in this moment. Take our heart and fill it with the fullness of Your presence, glory and love.  We surrender ourselves to You to be Your sacred, living sacrifices. By Your REVELATIONS may we live in holiness, experiencing all that delights Your heart. Let this become our genuine expression of worship to You. We will stop imitating the ideals and opinion of the culture around us and inwardly be transformed by You Spirit through a total reformation of how we think. We will be empowered to discern Your Will as we live a beautifully clothed life of righteousness that is satisfying and perfect in Your eyes. In Yahushua HaMashiach’s name. (Jesus the Messiah)


March 21, 2022
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