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Father, the perfect PLAN was set in place at the very beginning … to use the blood and life of the only perfect, spotless Lamb, in exchange to save humanity from our sinful ways. The only cure for the darkness that is in our hearts is the atoning blood of Jesus, the sinless Messiah of the world. There is no religion on this earth that could ever compare to following the great I AM because only a Savior could take the place of of one needing saved. Spirit, awaken all of humanity to the REVELATION that Jesus’ act of the sacrifice of His body and blood offered up at Calvary for sinful man, allowed Father to tear the barrier between us and Your covenant of communion with us for now and all of eternity. You’ve always kept Your side of the covenant, it is us who breaks our side of it. That is why the tearing of the veil started at the top, Your end, because You are the only one who could remove it by the redeeming work of the cross of Jesus. For all eternity we will worship and praise You Father, Jesus and Spirit for the PLAN perfectly worked for us! Spirit, awaken the lost souls to the saving knowledge of Jesus and repent of their sin to find the ever present Jesus waiting patiently at the door of their heart desiring to be let in. What victory days for the kingdom of God when many, many, many sinners humble themselves, turns from their own ways to the find the answers to every problem has always been JESUS: the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE! In Yahushua HaMashiach’s name. (Jesus the Messiah)

February 28, 2022

Mark 15:33,37,38 “Now when the sixth hour had come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour…And Jesus cried out with a loud voice, and breathed His last…Then the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.”


February 28, 2022

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