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Father, You see everything from Your glorious position of Heaven. Nothing can be hidden that You do not see. We are desperate to have all things in us, Your Bride, to be searched out by Spirit and Your Word. Spirit, lead us into every room of our heart where we have allowed idols and strongholds to take up residency. We need to see the honest condition of our heart from Your guiding Light of Truth.  We are not afraid to search it because we understand misery and lack of peace is a prison of the heart we don’t want to live with. The Victorious One has overcome every form of darkness that could ever grow in our heart through the finished work of the cross. We don’t live with shame. We live with convictions from You, Spirit, who faithfully leads us to victory.We belong to the SAVIOR of the world! May we never grow comfortable covering up our mistakes but rather bring them into the Light and Truth. Spirit, perform tests in us that will bring us REVELATIONS so we may KNOW our unconfessed sins and every alliance we’ve made with unrighteousness. Then let the knee of our hearts be swift to bow before You in repentance. Adam and Eve knew they were naked because their sin had exposed the change in their heart. In this moment, Spirit, we pause to ask You to REVEAL anything in us that is keeping us from fellowship with Father and His Will. We’ve been made new by the Lamb’s blood to be used mightily for such a time as this! In Yahushua HaMashiach’s name. (Jesus the Messiah)

March 7, 2022

Genesis 3:7 “Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings.”

Additional guidance from the above prayer:

“Father, I repent of ____________.” (name any sin Spirit brings to your mind)

“I break all partnerships and alliances with ____________.” (confess whatever Spirit shows you that is not right that you’ve brought into your life)

“I plead the redeeming and saving blood of Jesus around me. He did the work to destroy the works of darkness coming against me and my God given purposes. I choose You, Jesus, to be my Lord and Savior today and every day for all of eternity.”

Let’s listen. Let’s ask Spirit to speak to our hearts and minds. He’ll direct us because that is His joy. Listening and hearing is a skill that we will want to develop because that transmission pathway from Father’s heart to ours is life changing! Studying ourselves to be approved through His Word leads to powerful things flowing from His kingdom into our life and beyond.


March 7, 2022

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