Father, You see everything from Your glorious position of Heaven. Nothing can be hidden that You do not see. We are desperate to have all things in us, Your Bride, to be searched out by Spirit and Your Word. Spirit, lead us into every room of our heart where we have allowed idols and strongholds to take up residency. We need to see the honest condition of our heart from Your guiding Light of Truth.  We are not afraid to search it because we understand misery and lack of peace is a prison of the heart we don’t want to live with. The Victorious One has overcome every form of darkness that could ever grow in our heart through the finished work of the cross. We don’t live with shame. We live with convictions from You, Spirit, who faithfully leads us to victory.We belong to the SAVIOR of the world! May we never grow comfortable covering up our mistakes but rather bring them into the Light and Truth. Spirit, perform tests in us that will bring us REVELATIONS so we may KNOW our unconfessed sins and every alliance we’ve made with unrighteousness. Then let the knee of our hearts be swift to bow before You in repentance. Adam and Eve knew they were naked because their sin had exposed the change in their heart. In this moment, Spirit, we pause to ask You to REVEAL anything in us that is keeping us from fellowship with Father and His Will. We’ve been made new by the Lamb’s blood to be used mightily for such a time as this! In Yahushua HaMashiach’s name. (Jesus the Messiah)

Genesis 3:7 "Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings." Additional guidance from the above prayer: "Father, I repent of ____________." (name any sin Spirit brings to your mind) "I break all partnerships and alliances with ____________." […]

Father, may Your foot steps always be the desired sound of the ears of our heart. Let us be shaken to the core when we have drift off course into the sea of forgetfulness of the pleasure of Your company.  Spirit, teach us a way of life that breeds Your peaceful presence into the cool of our daily living. We are in need of Your supernatural REVELATIONS when we are using Your blessings to build walls of a (self-inflicted) prison that is full of self-centered life creations. Your blessings can lose their power to bless and begin to create decay around us based on the motives of our heart. We have the potential, even with Your many blessings, to sink into depravity and lack. The blessings You give us are for Your glory and our good. But when we use them to build up a kingdom that is separate from You, we will always bring a curse on our self and often others, too. Where can we go from Your Spirit? Where can we flee from Your presence? Teach us how to quickly repent when the winds of selfishness pull our sails off course from Your will, ways and Word. We are hungry for the fullness of Your presence where Your fragrance lingers in the atmosphere of our heart long after Your blessings have become a part of our life. Give us creative, new ways to live with and share Your blessings so we don’t grow stale or ungrateful in our being. May Your blessings and the beauty of Your presence causes us to be reshaped, molded into the mirror-image reflection of You. Let Your peace overcome every wayward place in us. In Yahushua HaMashiach’s name. (Jesus the Messiah)

Genesis 3:8 "And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden."

Father, You created us to have a free will to choose. That is Your love expression to us. Choice is the only way we can truly express love toward You and others. Your love cannot be forced. For when we force it, it changes from love to fear. Then the intent of our heart has revealed fear expressions of manipulation: we manipulate or we set our self up to be manipulated. Spirit, REVEAL where we’ve open the door to fear of not getting enough…fear of not being in control…fear of not being enough…fear of not being liked…fear of doing wrong…fear of having too much…fear of hurting…fear of running out of _____.  Show us where fear has crept in to a room of our heart like dark, damp chill. Where have we agreed with a subverting tactic of the father of lies? Where have we chosen to go our own way over the right way?  Where have we become frozen from moving forward?…frozen in progression toward goodness?…frozen without the ability to expressing our self authentically? Your Voice, Your Words brings goodness into the atmosphere. Right living is the beautiful expression from Your Voice, Your Word. Spirit, the cry of our heart is to hear Father’s Voice in the moments of life when temptations and trials want to pull us out of our love walk with You and others. We need Your REVELATIONS to awaken us from the slumbers that come from the intoxicating, counterfeit love affair we have with the ways of this world. Teach us to see our self the way You do. You see us full of Your abundant life and love. You see the wrong alignments we make with counterfeit things that stop the flowing Your life and love. Spirit, REVEAL the areas of perversion we are connected to. In this moment, we take full responsibility for every wayward place our selfish desires have taken us to. Ignite us with Your rocket fuel fire and blast us out of all sink holes of depravity by our heart’s cry of true repentance and extension forgiveness to those who have wronged us. We will no longer take the sleeping pills the enemy has used to lull us into a stupor that keeps us from the vibrant life and love of walking and talking in full relationship with You and those You have given us to commune with. We are free to be all You’ve created us to be! In Yahushua HaMashiach’s name. (Jesus the Messiah)

Genesis 3:10 "So he said, 'I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself.' "

Father, our human nature is to avoid the issues of the heart. How often we can blame others for our shortcomings and faults. And just as foolish, point out faults in others in a desperate and powerless tactic to feel good about our self and rise up above them. Pride goes before the fall. How is it that we often lack the wisdom to remove the blinding plank in our own eye before we can see the speck in someone else’s eye? Spirit, we need You to shine the light of Your Word, Truth, and Wisdom into the shadows of our wandering hearts. May we receive today REVELATION of why we choose to hide places in our heart from You and fill the atmosphere with excuses to continue the charade. By the power of Spirit, let us be filled with the Light that leads to humility and repentance. May the magnitude of what You did at the cross Jesus cause us to weep with unending gratitude. We will no longer blame others or any circumstance for our sin. By Your blood sacrifice Jesus, we, the prisoners have been given the key to be freed from our own self inflicted prison sentence. What can free us from our sin…nothing but Your blood Lord Jesus! Every excuse for our  wayward choices is given the power, just like quicksand, to pull us down and under Your glorious Light. Jesus, You will always remain the solution to every problem of our human heart. We praise and worship You as the wonderful Savior of the world! All glory and honor to You now and forever!  In Yahushau HaMashiach’s name. (Jesus the Messiah)

Genesis 3:12 "Then the man said, 'The woman who You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate it.' "


Genesis 3:14 "So the Lord God said to the serpent: "Because you have done this, you are cursed more than all cattle, and more than every beast of the field; on your belly you shall go, and you shall eat dust all the days of your life.' " Father, You didn't even give that slithering […]


"Genesis 3:15 "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed(Yahushua); He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel." Father, from the very beginning You planned how Your Word, Jesus, would crush the serpent’s head once and for all. The trading of Your glory, […]


Genesis 3:16 “To the woman He said: ‘I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; in pain you shall bring forth children; your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.’ ” Father, it does not bring You pleasure to judge or see the curse expressed in us. It is […]

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