August 24, 2017

Why Fats Are Good

By Allie Mitchell, Clinical Director

I used to walk in fear of fats! Butter, oils, anything that had high fat and calories… I was afraid. A lot of people are afraid of fats… You shouldn’t be! Healthy fats, like omega-3 EFAs in flax oil, salmon, pumpkin seeds, fish oils, and walnuts will help nourish you (both physically and mentally). To me, it’s like BRAIN FOOD.

Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid, a healthy fat, that your body uses to support a range of bodily processes such as the immune system, mood management, cholesterol regulation, and more.

I put flax oil in my smoothies every morning, and notice a huge difference in my day! I’m able to come across clearer to people, work better, and feel a real difference in my work day.

“You love what is right, and hate what is wrong. Therefore, God, your God, has anointed you, pouring out the oil of joy on you more than anyone else.” -Hebrews 1:9

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