September 12, 2017

What’s Under the Rim of Our Skin

By Julie Mitchell, BCND, CN

Today I saw our privy from another point of view. At that particular angle, I was able to see what was really going on under the hidden rim. What appeared to be a perfectly clean commode, was quite the contrary… Without going into the details, it was evident that those colors under the rim were not a display of overall toilet hygiene. So, without further delay, the area was sprayed with a cleaner and then with great attention, the rainbow of colors was brushed away. What remains now, is a clean toilet and understanding of how to clean it on a regular basis.
Our bodies can appear one way to us when looking in the mirror, but if we are able to get an internal glance, we can understand what is really going on under the rim of our skin. We don’t want to wait until the bathroom has a strange smell before we do a thorough cleaning of it. Likewise, our cells and the space outside cells need to be clean of debris so our tissues, organs, and systems can run at optimal levels without a buildup of toxicity. If our sweat, breath, urine, and bowels movements have a bad smell or odd colors, we can be confident something is not working right.
It is our goal at The Nutrition and Wellness Center to shine a light on what may be going on underneath our skin and give us confidence in a wellness plan that keeps our insides clean on a regular basis. Each of us who work here, knows how important it is to address symptoms of toxicity before a major problem arises. So, we do a series of cleansing and cleaning out our systems regularly to support a healthy internal environment for our optimal health. Whether it’s a biomeridian scan, colon hydrotherapy, body movement, infrared sauna,  herbs, homeopathics, etc. whatever you may need, we are here to help you understand how to be proactive in achieving balanced internal self-cleaning environments. We are here, because you are there.

“For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 4:6

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