August 3, 2016

Foundation Principle #1: WATER!

Could losing weight, getting rid of headaches, pooping daily, body/mind healing, feeling better overall … really be this simple for some people?

YES! Water intake and fluid balance are among the least understood and most neglected areas of overall health and weight management. Because water is very important to health, our bodies attempt to maintain proper fluid and water balance at all times. Consuming too little water can result in water retention. Increasing water intake can actually decrease water retention and the bloating and added weight that accompany it. Read on to find out more.

How much water do we need?

Although individual variation exists, drinking 1/2 your body weight in ounces each day is what is recommended. (If you are working out with perspiration, increase that amount by 20-50%).

7 Tips to Get Water Down!

  1. Are you a sipper or guzzler? If you don’t seem to find the time to get water down during the day, you may need to become a guzzler and I call that “Cameling Up”. Set a reminder alarm on your phone until you get the routine in place. Try getting 40-50% of your water intake  before you leave the house for the day.
  2. Keep a water bottle that measures fluid ounces with you throughout the day: home, car, gym or at your desk at work. This way the counting is done for you, just remember to refill it throughout the day. All you need to worry about is finishing the bottle/s between the time you wake up and the time you go to bed (recommend getting water in two hours before bed so you have better chance of sleeping peacefully through the night).
  3. Get a measuring bowl…
    • Fill up your favorite glass to drink from.
    • Pour that water into the measuring bowl to see how many ounces it is.
    • Lastly, determine how many glasses you need to consume a day to meet your goal of half your body weight in ounces of water. Make that be your plan.
  4. Look in your iPhone! Go to the App Store for water/hydrate tracker apps. Keep post-it notes on your refrigerator or desk reminding you to drink a glass of water until it becomes habit.
  5. Create a buddy system with a family member, friend, or co-worker to make sure
    you are drinking your water.
  6. Add essential oils from doTERRA plus  fruit or veggies to give it a satisfying flavor. Examples: Fresh lemon, cucumber, or lime slices  with a sprig of mint. 1-2 drops of essential oils like lemon, lime peppermint, cinnamon, spearmint, or wild orange to a glass or stainless steel serving of water. (Always use glass or stainless steel with essential oils.)
  7. Interesting fact: If dehydrated, Colon Hydrotherapy is the fastest way to hydrate the body (over drinking water)! Many healthy people utilize colon hydrotherapy as part of their regular health regime.

How can I find out how much water I have in my body?
It’s very simple and easy to find out. Our office offers a Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis(BIA). BIA calculates and estimates your tissue and fluid compartments – using an electrical current. It measures the body fat in relation to lean body mass. It is an integral part of our health and nutrition assessments.

Won’t I feel more bloated and retain more if I drink more water?
Drinking the appropriate amount of water actually reduces water retention and bloating, even during menstruation for women. Since your body is constantly regulating its fluid balance, you can overcompensate by retaining water if you are not drinking enough. Drinking more water can also help you lose those few extra pounds and aid with proper digestion.

Finally, if you struggle with water intake, remember it’s about gradually working up to your goal of half your weight in ounces. Some days you will hit the mark and others you will celebrate the effort made towards it.  It’s never too late to start—the changes you make today then sustain in the weeks to come, will absolutely effect the quantity and quality of your years down the road!

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