July 27, 2022

The Beauty Within the Struggle

By Julie Mitchell

A number of people who start a fresh, new wellness plan somehow miss the part when I say they may go through some uncomfortable symptoms while moving toward abundant health. Some jump ship within a few days or they become fearful thinking they are getting worse and that I must have made a mistake with their plan. While I know I am not infallible, I typically will spend a few hours with someone while thoroughly assessing their current state of health then create a program that promote balance within the systems. It’s not unusual for us to get calls or emails with distressed clients asking what they are taking or doing that is making them feel so bad.  They may believe they are having an allergic response to something or just want to find the culprit of their physical distress. Usually they’re relieved to hear their symptoms are normal and a part of the beautiful healing crisis. So, read on if you’re curious about the beauty within a healing crisis and 8 reasons to love it.

There is a story about a reluctant chap named Jonah who was unwilling to follow the path God called him to and because of that, found himself in the belly of a whale. Sometimes in life, we too can get off the path of wellness because of poor health choices or lack of knowledge.  I’m confident going through that crisis in the whale was very uncomfortable for Jonah but it was imperative to the survival and healing of his body, mind, and spirit. 3 days later, the whale spewed him onto dry land, giving him a second chance at redemption. Once on the right path, he came to the location he was told to go to in the first place and declared his assignment to the people living in wickedness, “Yet 40 days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!” They believed him and it caused them to believe God as well. Even the king set up a decree agreeing to a community fast and told everyone to turn from their evil ways. God’s heart was won over by the unity of the people to address the issues that were creating a wicked environment for them by repenting and turning from their wicked ways. Such power in repentance and turning!

Our body has an amazing ability to display a similar miraculous redemptive work once we begin to move in the right direction of health and healing. This often comes with discomfort and physical symptoms that may cause us to wonder how and why they are happening when we are doing the right thing. It is true that we can feel at our worst when we begin a healthier lifestyle or use natural therapies to allow our bodies to respond to this redemptive work. We are changing daily as cells die off and new ones begin thus creating either healthier or sicker environments depending on how we are engaging in and responding to our environment. If we view ourselves as our own science project every day and pay attention to what is happening as we go through the ups and downs of the day, we can learn a lot from our daily experiments. What we do today will impact us not only for the day but for the days, weeks, months, and years to come. We are either building up to be a stronger person or breaking down to be a weaker one. The choice is within our reach and we can be empowered to live a life of optimal health by making changes that support the healing cycles of the body. You should be encouraged if along this healing path you begin to feel lower energy, more expressive digestive issues, increased headaches, mood swings, elevated pain, pass illness resurfacing, or the worse cold you’ve ever had. These are all wonderful things. That’s right, I said wonderful! You are on the road to higher levels of wholeness and wellness.


Julie’s 8 Reasons to Love a Healing Crisis


Let’s remember that symptoms are our friend and often don’t always need to be masked by medications if you are willing to battle in creative ways. Symptoms are God-given expressions that something is going on in the body: either we are moving towards balance/optimal health (healing crisis) or moving further away towards body breakdown (dis-ease crisis). Be patient and take control of that fear knowing that all these symptoms are working for your good.

Prayer: Father, I’m struggling with these symptoms and I ask for strength through the Holy Spirit to endure this season of healing knowing that it will not last beyond what I can bare, in Jesus name.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purposes.” Romans 8:28


It might take a minute or two, but energy and vitality will return, and thankfully with a vengeance. It takes energy to hold toxins in the body (disease crisis) and it also takes energy to up-regulate them and send them out of the body(healing crisis). Once energy starts to come up, plan on making deposits into your energy bank and don’t take withdrawals right away. Build that kitty up and save that energy. Fight the urge to do a major project until you’ve been a few weeks into high energy day after day.

Prayer: Father, teach me to wait, to be patient during this phase and rest in You. Holy Spirit instruct me, help me understand that many things can wait for me to become well while You are taking care of me by moving me from healing crisis to living a life of wellness, in Jesus name.

“Those that wait on the Lord, shall renew their strength, they shall mount of with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31


It may feel as if you don’t have the ability to fight off infections because you are experiencing the worse cold or flu like symptoms you’ve ever had. Where is your immune system and why isn’t it working? It is building itself up as you are bringing in the resources to do it as you eat properly, follow your wellness plan and relax in order to free up energy for your immune system to use for healing. With the correct resources, the immune system knows exactly what to do and is doing it. Be patient and expect the reset to happen.

Prayer: Father, why do I feel so weak and without strength when I’m follow this plan? You can show me through the Holy Spirit where true power comes from: Your love, Your grace, Your goodness, Your faithfulness, Your ways and my repentance. I humbly repent of all the things I did that were destroying this body you gave me. Lead me in the paths of righteousness and life, in Jesus name.

“But He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9


I often say when someone is feeling atrocious, “Think DRAINAGE, DRAINAGE, DRAINAGE.” If your body is up-regulating toxins into the blood system, there better be a way for them to get out. Otherwise, they will create havoc in the body. The five main drainage and filtration systems of the body that need to be open and flowing are liver, lungs, lymph, large intestines, and kidneys. When any of those are blocked you are more likely to see expressions in the secondary drainage pathways: sinuses, skin, and reproductive organs. Be patient, drink the recommended amount of water, do light movements like stretching and walking, come in for a colon hydrotherapy session and infrared sauna session to support the clearing of the body’s pipes.

Prayer: Father, You can teach my body to drain properly so toxins within any part of me have a pathway out. I submit my body, mind, and spirit to You and trust you with it all. I desire Holy Spirit for You to show me the clear path that leads me out of this storm, in Jesus name.

“The Lord spoke to Job out of the storm: ‘Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me.’” Job 40:6-7


As my background in natural medicine has taught me, the body heals from the top down, inside out, and most recent sickness to the oldest. The body is very good at storing toxins within the body fat or extra cellular water to keep them away from the cells and tissues that are running the show. It actually is a very good protective mechanism and also take up energy to do this. Once nutrition and resources are available to build up the tissues and systems of the body so they can work at optimal levels, they are able to do deep dives into the body and remove causes of illnesses one layer at a time. Think of it like peeling back onion layers to uncover what’s been hiding down under creating havoc to the functioning of cells and the holes in the energy boat. Remember it takes a lot of energy to hold sickness in the body which can be an underlying reason for fatigue.

Prayer: Father, this is quite a process I am going through, but You have fearfully and wonderfully created my body to heal itself. You heal me from the top down as I trust You with my mind. Holy Spirit You are healing my insides in the hidden places because healing comes from within my beautifully made body. I am reaping these symptoms of sickness because of what I have sown but Your grace and love will overcome it all as I repent of going my own way instead of Yours that always leads to life, in Jesus name.

“Now it shall come to pass, when all these things come upon you, the blessing and the curse which I have set before you, and you call them to mind among all the nations where the Lord your God drives you, and you return to the Lord your God and obey His voice, according to all that I command you today, you and your children, with all your heart and with all your soul, that the Lord your God will bring you back from captivity, and have compassion on you, and gather you again from all the nations where the Lord your God has scattered you.” Deuteronomy 30:1-3


Yes, those toxins that have been hanging out in the corners of the body(fat cells and extra cellular water) all those years, will begin to come out into the blood system to be sent out of the body through the drainage pathways(liver, lymph, lungs, large intestines, and kidneys + skin, sinuses, and reproductive organs). It takes energy to move these out of the body. Once your brilliant body has begun this work, it will realize it can trust what is happening and send more and more toxins out into the life-giving highway system of the body, the blood. This process of house cleaning happens every day for healthy people, you should realize you are doing the work of a healthy person plus the work of deep cleaning that is necessary too. Relax, rest, keep things at a low level until things are cleared out. Be steadfast and preserve through it.

Prayer: Father, You know exactly what I need and I trust You because You are trustworthy. These hidden places within me, I ask that You would touch them by the Holy Spirit and Your light.  Bring a refreshing flow to all areas within me, undoing my past choices that brought weakness to this body, then on to the deeper cleaning that is needed, in Jesus name.

“He reveals deep and hidden things; He know what lies in darkness, and light dwells with Him.” Daniel 2:22


Those dreams and aspirations coming from your heart, are meant to come out through your life. It is God’s will for you to be well and live out His purposes for your life with abundance and vitality. Having a perfect life is not a realistic goal nor is it attainable. But having one full of love, peace, and joy in the midst of trials and tribulations is not only possible, but it is God’s will for us. Your body, mind and spirit have the ability to be balanced so be patient during the process of healing. Live with an attitude of excellence to be expressed through you and in you.

Prayer: Father, Wow! I have hope! While I am waiting, I will live and act with an attitude of serenity. I trust You will bring forth through the Holy Spirit the dreams, visions, plans, and purposes You’ve created for me to walk in. Help me to remember all the good things you have spoken to my heart or bring them afresh in me now, in Jesus name.

“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” James 1:2-4


As I like to simply say, “Hurting people hurt people.” When we are physiologically out of balance in our bodies and disease is expressing itself, our personalities can become hidden behind the symptoms we are experiencing. The once kind person who loved being around others, can begin to say and do things that are hurtful toward those they encounter daily. In the realm of relationships, if strangers are getting the best of us and those we share life with on a daily basis are getting the worst, we can simply say, “I am a hurting person who is hurting those people I love.” Once we are able to recognize changes are needed and discover what those changes are and apply them, our body, mind and spirit will become balanced. Balanced people express themselves in healthy ways that can restore broken relationships. They can tolerate troubles, trials, and differences which leads to not breaking the foundation of health that is established.

Prayer: Father, it is your love, kindness and patience that leads us to repentance. I choose to repent of all the people I have hurt because of things I’ve said and done. I wasn’t feeling well and this is no excuse for treating people in a manor that I would not like to be treated in. I also choose to forgive all those who have hurt me. I will no longer make excuses or try to defend my bad behavior. Lead me Holy Spirit through this healing process so I can also forgive myself for all my mistakes. Allow the fullness of Your redeeming and forgiving blood Jesus to flow to and through me. In humility and meekness, restore me to fullness of joy in You and fullness of joy with those around me, especially those closest to me.

“Finally, all of you should be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude. Don’t repay evil for evil. Don’t retaliate with insults when people insult you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God has called you to do, and He will grant you His blessing.” 1 Peter 3:8-9

 “Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, patience, bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, even as Christ forgave you, so you must do. But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts.” Colossians 3:12-15a



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  1. Angela Echols

    Thank you the struggle is real.

    • Thomas Sheffey

      You are an angel from God. Thank you for the hope and light that you provide.


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