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Pina Colada Shake

Ingredients 2 rounded Tbs. of SP Complete Dairy Free 8 oz. Water 1 Tbs. Coconut Oil 1 cup Fresh or Frozen Pineapple Handful of organic, unsweetened shredded coconut Ice cubes if you are using fresh pineapple Directions Combine ingredients in a blender and puree

Apple Cinnamon Shake

Ingredients 2 rounded Tbs. of SP Complete Dairy Free 8 oz. Water 1 Tbs. Flaxseed Oil 2 Apples cored, but not peeled Splash of Organic Vanilla Extract Dash of Cinnamon Ice Cubes Directions Combine ingredients in a blender and puree.

Sweet Potato and Apple Puree

Day 3 on the 21 day Purification Ingredients 2-1 Large Sweet Potatoes baked 1-2 Apples Baked 1/2 tsp Salt 1 tsp Nutmeg 1 tsp Cinnamon 1/4 cup of Coconut Milk or Almond Milk Directions Place Sweet Potatoes and Apples in Vitamix (peel and all) Add in Salt, Nutmeg,...

Squash and Apple Bake

Today on our 4th day of the 21 day purification we were a bit hungry at The Nutrition and Wellness Center.  We looked to see what was available in the fridge and this is what we came up with!  So tasty on a rainy fall day!  I think this may be a great addition to a...

Bean & Spinach Soup

This is a great meal anytime of year! Ingredients 3 14 oz cans of vegetable broth 1 15 oz can of tomato puree 1 15 oz can pinto beans 1/2 cup red onion 2 cloves of garlic 1 tsp of dried basil 1/4 tsp celtic sea salt 8 cups of chopped fresh spinach and kale Directions...

A Twist for Your Tuna

Ingredients 2  7 oz cans of organic tuna 2 avocados 2 celery stalks 1 clove of garlic 1/4 cup of chopped red onion or green onions 1/2 of a lemon 1/4 tsp celtic sea salt 1 tbsp organic mayonnaise Fresh tomatoes, feta and peas will take this tuna to another level and...

Asparagus, Leek and Potato Soup

Thanks to my sister Kelly I have enjoyed this delicious soup at work and at home. It is so easy to make and great to serve at any temperature. I hope that you like it as much as we have. -Kristy Ingredients 2 cups of cubed red potatoes 2 cups leeks 2 cups asparagus...

Lentil Spaghetti Squash Delight

Ingredients 1 large or 2 small onions 3-4 stocks of celery 4 T olive oil Then add these and bring to boil then simmer for 30 minutes: 4-5 garlic cloves or 1 tsp garlic salt 1-2 tsp of each: oregano and basil 1 can(28oz) of diced tomatoes 1 jar spaghetti sauce or...

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