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Food and Mood Connection

There are some foods and drinks that we put into our mouths and swallow that create intense reactions within our bodies yet we live puzzled by our physical, mental, or emotional responses. If you are in a state of hypertension, low mood, obesity, constipation,...

Detox Soup

Detox Soup

Ingredients 1 Large Onion 1 Bunch of Kale 1 Bag of Spinach 3 Carrots 3 Yellow and Green Squash Garlic Vegetable of Chicken Broth Liquid Braggs Celtic Sea Salt Directions Stir fry onion, kale, spinach, carrots, green/yellow squash for 3-4minutes, add 4 cloves garlic...

Julie’s Quinoa Pasta Salad (or Rice Pasta)

Ingredients 1 box quinoa pasta 1 can green chilies 1 bag of frozen edamame 1 T Olive Oil ½ cup Feta Cheese 1 small can organic tomatoes or ½ jar organic marinara sauce Cut up veggies of choice: carrots, onions, celery, etc. Directions Stir everything together and...

Protein Smoothie

Ingredients Frozen Fruit (cherries, strawberries, peaches, pineapples, blueberries, ice, etc.) 1 T Flax Oil 1-2 Digesta Guard Probiotic 2 scoops Ultra Meal or Ultra Clear Powder 10-15 Stevia liquid Water Directions Cover ingredients with water (less for thick, more...

Salmon with Rice

This way of making salmon was shared with our family by my very special French boys, Marc and Coco, who spent three weeks with our family in the summer of 2007.  They wanted to make a meal for us one night to show their gratitude and this is what they made.  Very...

Scrumptious Salad Dressing

Ingredients 1 cup Olive Oil ¾ cup Flax Oil ¾ cup Tahini A few squirts off Braggs Liquid Aminos to your taste A few squirts of mustard to your taste 2 tsp of honey or maple syrup or few drops Stevia 2-6 cloves garlic(I like garlic!) ½ - 1 cup vinegar of choice Option:...

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