Why Fats Are Good

Why Fats Are Good

By Allie Mitchell, Clinical Director I used to walk in fear of fats! Butter, oils, anything that had high fat and calories… I was afraid. A lot of people are afraid of fats… You shouldn’t be! Healthy fats, like omega-3 EFAs in flax oil, salmon, pumpkin...
Freedom to Be Well

Freedom to Be Well

  7 Ways to Walk in Wellness Freedom by Julie Mitchell The Fourth of July allows us the celebration of the beginning, the foundation, of our great country. On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress gave its stamp of approval to the final draft of the Declaration...
Home Apothecary Tip – September

Home Apothecary Tip – September

Adult and Child Cognitive Support Herb Core Olive Leaf- Originally best known for its positive affect on supporting normal circulatory function, it has also been used to support the immune system and as an anti-aging ingredient. Homeopathic Field of Flowers- Provides...

5 Steps to Overcoming Toxic Thinking

By: Julie Mitchell Have you ever been told that you are negative? Well, I have When my husband, Jeff, informed me of this, I had to stop and think for a moment. I said to myself, “I don’t think anyone else would say that about me; if I am negative with him, maybe I...
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