Home Apothecary Tip – November

Stress Support Herb Phyto B Complex-formulation of bioavailable multi-B vitamin with rhodiola rosea extract. These are essential to ensure the body can utilize the nutrients it receives and effectively cope with physical and emotional stressors. Homeopathic Rescue...


STRESS! Who can avoid it? No one! As our office is preparing to move our clinic to a new location very soon, the list of things to do seems to grow daily. I can even feel a flush of heat coming on as I type this thought. Since I can’t change the move, I must work on...


I love to exercise! I have a number of reasons why: Increases endorphins that compliment my call to be joyful Increases my strength to accomplish the tasks of my day with energy When in the gym it provides wonderful fellowship with like-minded people When training...

Home Apothecary Monthly Tip – June

Protection Internal and External Bugs Herb Core Mycelia-a red reishi mushroom blend that helps with immune support. The powerful combination of Chinese mushrooms in this blend, including Reishi and Shiitake, have been studied, documented, and used to enhance immunity...
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