July 23, 2021

The Importance Of Knowing Your Vitamin D Levels

By Julie Mitchell,

After a year and a half of focus on a virus and its vaccine, little attention has been given to Vitamin D and its importance! Many people who are deficient in Vitamin D3 are more prone to getting sick. If you did receive one of the vaxxx, it’s critical to have your Vitamin D levels at optimal levels.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is considered be a neurohormone which means it effects the nervous system and the endocrine system (your hormones).

Every cell in your body has a cell membrane that is made up of phospholipids (fats), which are made up of two fatty acids, a phosphate group, and a glycerol molecule. These fat membranes are the door keepers of what comes in and out of the cell. They could also be considered the brain of the cell because if the nucleus was removed from inside the cell, the cell would continue to live up to 3 months.

As I have mentioned in past articles, the terrain of the body will make it either hospitable to health or disease. I am going to say the same thing about the cell membrane. Healthy fat foods and fat-soluble vitamins eaten by the body + the ability to break down fats = healthy cell membranes. This reduces the chance of a break down in the cells because the cell membrane is a strong defense against threats to the body like viruses, bacteria, yeast, parasites, metals, and chemicals! It also provides a beautiful gateway to bring other cell nutrients into its gates.

🦋 5 Important Concepts to Consider Regarding Vitamin D Levels:
1. What is your level? The only way to find out is through a blood test. At your next doctor’s visit, if they don’t automatically check your Vitamin D (many don’t), ask for them if they will code the Vitamin D test properly for your insurance to pay. It may be up to you to find out if your insurance will pay for that test. If you aren’t sure or you want to test it yourself without a doctors visit, you may pay out of pocket at much lower cost than through your doctor’s office. If you’d like help finding a location near you, CLICK HERE.

2. Once you’ve determined what your level is, start supplementing. If your doctor is knowledgeable about the importance of Vitamin D levels(they are typically the ones who check your levels without you telling them to), they will let you know how much to supplement. If they are not, I suggest you find someone who is able lead you through the process.

3. You won’t be flagged if you are over 30 ng/ml. Although, healthy levels are above 50 ng/ml and I like to see those levels 70-80 ng/ml. Studies have shown higher risk to cancer with levels below 50. Here is one.

4. How do you get levels to go up naturally?
a. Vitamin D is the only vitamin the body can make. Being in the sun causes the body to use the energy from UVB sun rays to convert 7-dehydrocholesterol into Vitamin D3. During late spring and summer months are the best times of year to build up Vitamin D3 levels outside in the sunlight. Note that you must NOT be wearing sunscreen in order for this process to happen.
b. Consuming foods that have Vitamin D3 can help increase levels. Examples are fatty fish like salmon, tuna and mackerel, plus eggs and dairy products (dairy sources from a cow may some individuals to create mucus which is evidence it is creating inflammation in the body).
c. Supplementing is another way to increase levels. A typical dosage for children is 400-1000 IU daily depending on weight and age. While looking at healthy adults, doses range between 2,000 and 10,000 IU.  When supplementing Vitamin D3 be sure you are eating foods with Vitamin K2(eggs, dairy products, chicken) or have it included in the your supplementing.

5. It is important to test your Vitamin D3 blood levels to see how your body has adjusted to either sunlight or supplementing to be sure you are at optimal levels. Often this step is overlooked but very important information to your overall health and wellness. Often I recommend testing during summer months when supplementing amounts have been decreased or eliminated because of sun exposure to be sure you are in optimal levels. Then test during the dark days of winter to be sure you are supplementing the correct amount for optimal levels above 50 but ideally 70-80 ng.ml.

6. In my opinion, the potential problem for those who have been vaxxxed are the spike proteins, nano particles and Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) which can create havoc within the cells. The body can use Vitamin D3 to fight off the negative effects of these foreign elements which are circulating in the body. Since it is a fat-soluble vitamin it has great potential to cause the cell membrane to be extra strong and fortified to protect enemies of the cells as well as tissues, organs and systems. Tip: before having the vaxxx, be sure your levels of Vitamin D3 are optimal to potentially reduce negative side effects and improve immune function.

7. If shedding from the vaxxx is a concern of yours, it is of upmost importance for you and your family (in my opinion) to have optimal Vitamin D3 blood levels. As stated above, in my opinion, creating a healthy terrain within the body by having optimal Vitamin D3 levels is an excellent way to protect your cells and improve your immune response to the spike proteins, nano particles and Polyethylene Glycol (PEG).

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1 Comment

  1. Marge Eveland

    Wonderfully informative, Allie!
    Thank you 😘


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