May 21, 2018


There once was a story about a sower whose seeds fell on different soil or terrains with different kinds of outcomes. The condition of the soil where the seed was dropped effected the growth process. The development of life never had to do with the vitality of the seed, but the environment in which it was found. The seed was never able to take root and grow to fullness until it was put into fertile ground that allowed for the healthy growth process to be completed. (Matthew 13:3-23) If we take this same truth principle and apply it to the human body we can get a deeper understanding of why people go through the process of health or disease. Be it cancer, heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, arthritis, chronic fatigue or any other ailment, the only way a person has a fighting chance to survive with vitality is within the healthy ground of a human body.

Pierre Jacques Antoine Béchamp (1816 –1908) was a French scientist who had contentions with a more famous French scientist, Louis Pasteur (1822-1895).  Béchamp claimed discovery of the “molecular granulations” which lead to his cell theory. The research lead him to believe that bacteria could not invade a healthy animal and cause disease, but instead an unfavorable host and environmental conditions threatened the host’s healthy microbiome (a vast army of microbes in the body).  He stated they break down the host tissue by producing pathogenic bacteria. Claude Bernard (1813-1878), also a French scientist, agreed with Béchamp and his cell theory of disease thriving in a poor-quality terrain.  On the other side of the coin, Pasteur said that many diseases are caused by microorganisms in his germ theory. These small organisms which invade humans, animals, and other living hosts, multiply within their hosts and cause disease. It has also been speculatively said that Pasteur (on his death bed) recanted the germ theory saying, “Bernard was correct. I was wrong. The microbe (germ) is nothing. The terrain (milieu) is everything.”

If we are going to battle an enemy, one of the most important components will be a strong army. This army must be made up of healthy individuals that have been trained for physical strength and have the most powerful weapons to destroy the enemy. I would consider cancer to be an enemy within every person or animal. Since it is a fact that everyone has cancer cells, then it is also a fact that we have the enemy living within. We have been created with an internal military system that seeks out to destroy cancer cells, but more importantly the toxins that feed the growth of cancer cells, be it bacteria, virus, fungus, metals, chemicals. It is called our immune system which is powerful and on alert, ready to seek out and destroy the enemy.

We want to do everything in our power to strengthen our immune system. The National Institute of Health led over 200 researchers and 80 universities in the Human Microbiome Project that proved our bodies are made up of more microbes than cells as it studied 242 individuals. And since a large amount of our immune system is in our gut and made up of microbes, it makes sense that we should pay attention to how we feed our cells as well as our gut microbes. Foods that support immune function and gut health are not going to be found in highly processed foods, antibiotic feed animals, mercury filled fish, grossly pesticide sprayed grains, fruits, and vegetables. Clean-eating contributes to the building of  clean environments where the body is able to self-correct from within! Proper ratios of the macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, and fats) are just as important as the micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). If you are struggling with figuring out how to do this or need support, find a professional or center that specializes in healing holistically using elements of the earth to encourage natural healing from within the body. We are here to support you in this process!

The father of immunology, Dr. Eli Metchnikoff said, “Death begins in the colon.” That was stated back in 1908, when he won the noble prize in medicine for his work with the immune system. So how can we support a healthy colon? It starts by eating and drinking natural elements that are able to be broken down by the digestive system and utilized by the cells. Some people have compromised gut walls as well as production of hydrochloric stomach acid, pancreatic enzymes, flow of bile, and gut flora. Since the health of the whole body has everything to do with the health of the individual cells that lie within it, there will be those who need digestive support so the cells of the body are able to get nutrients broken down to allow them to run properly.  Healthy digestion is shown with proper elimination which can be anywhere from 1-3 healthy bowel movements a day.  If you are struggling with this you may want to consider trying a few of these things: drink ½ your body weight in water daily, increase your vegetable intake to increase your fiber intake, discuss probiotic, herbal and/or fiber supplementing with your healthcare and holistic practitioner. Since the colon is one of the main drainage pathways of the body that supports elimination of body toxins, colon hydrotherapy is a great option for supporting of peristalsis, hydration and sanitizing of the colon.

Dr. Francis Collins, the Director of the National Institute of Health says, “Genetics loads the gun and environment pulls the trigger.” Those of us who are reading this have loaded guns with genetic potential to have our inherited strengths or weaknesses play out. It doesn’t matter what we have gone through in the past (sickness, heartbreak, stress, anything that has tried to break us down), our bodies have the FULL potential to change their genetic expression toward wellness and vitality as we begin to change for the better what we EAT, DRINK, THINK, and DO. And for some people, proper guidance from a professional, with addition of herbs, nutrients, essential oils, and therapies will bring them to a whole new level of life expression!

Julie’s 9 Points for a Healthy Robust Immune System:

  1. Start your day mindfully connecting with God and 15-30 oz of water
  2. Set an intention for the day that will focus on healthy choices
  3. Planning your healthy meals and snacks for the day or week reduces physical and mental stress
  4. Move with exerted effort daily(preferably outside): walking, biking, jogging, tennis, canoeing, swimming or golfing.
  5. Add 1-3 tsp of Abundant C into your water 1-2x day, CLICK HERE TO READ MORE
  6. Take 1-3 Abundant Digestion 1-2x day, CLICK HERE TO READ MORE
  7. Take 1-2 Abundant Multi 1-2x day with or after meal, CLICK HERE TO READ MORE
  8. Take 3 Abundant Gut/Energy 2x day on empty stomach for 3+ months, CLICK HERE TO READ MORE
  9. Add Colon Hydrotherapy(CLICK HERE) and Infrared Saunas(CLICK HERE) to your health regime

“And the one on whom seed was sown on the good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands and grasp it; he indeed bears fruit and yields, some a 100 times (as much as was sown), some 60 (times as much), and some 30.” Matthew 13:23 AMP

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