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Staying On Track During The Holidays

Staying On Track During The Holidays

By Allie Mitchell, Clinical Director The holidays are fast approaching as we enter the last few weeks of October. Most people don't take the time to plan out their meals and stay on track with their health. Remember, health is wealth and feelings are fickle!...

The Importance of Eating Right

The Importance of Eating Right

By Allie Mitchell, Clinical Director The importance of eating healthy cannot be stressed enough. When we eat good, we feel good! Eating the right fruits and vegetables is important in getting our daily dose of vitamins and minerals and replenishing the cells in our...

What’s Under the Rim of Our Skin

What’s Under the Rim of Our Skin

By Julie Mitchell, BCND, CN Today I saw our privy from another point of view. At that particular angle, I was able to see what was really going on under the hidden rim. What appeared to be a perfectly clean commode, was quite the contrary... Without going into the...

Easy-To-Make Smoothies

Easy-To-Make Smoothies

By Allie Mitchell, Clinical Director As summer is winding down and Labor Day being right around the corner, I wanted to share about our smoothies and why they have become so popular! Smoothies are an easy-to-digest way to get your macro-nutrients in while at the same...

Confidence In Our Bodies

Confidence In Our Bodies

By Elizabeth Mitchell, Certified Personal Trainer, Menu Planner, & Lifestyle Therapist Let’s become confident in physically training our glorious bodies that the good Lord has given us. Who’s in? I know I am! Confidence in exercising starts when we successfully...

Why Fats Are Good

Why Fats Are Good

By Allie Mitchell, Clinical Director I used to walk in fear of fats! Butter, oils, anything that had high fat and calories... I was afraid. A lot of people are afraid of fats… You shouldn't be! Healthy fats, like omega-3 EFAs in flax oil, salmon, pumpkin seeds, fish...

The Ongoing Eclipse

The Ongoing Eclipse

By Julie Mitchell, BCND, CN One definition of eclipse according to Webster dictionary is a loss of power or success. Today, August 21, 2017, will be a total eclipse when the sun looks like it is completely covered with a dark circle because the moon is between the sun...

5 DIY Ways to Breathe Easy through the Season

5 DIY Ways to Breathe Easy through the Season

If you are constantly sneezing, wiping your nose, scratching somewhere, watching hives or acne break out, then you may be showing sensitivities to foods or environmental elements. Allergy symptoms are the immune system responding with hypersensitivity to a nontoxic...

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