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Without This, You Would Be Naked

Without This, You Would Be Naked

QUESTION: Without This You Would Be Naked ANSWER: Skin! by Julie Mitchell Fun Facts About Your Skin: Did you know your skin is the largest and fastest growing organ you have? If you’ve ever had a severe sunburn it took about a month for your skin to move through the...

Chicken Squashghetti

Chicken Squashghetti

Lovingly created by Julie Mitchell for her family and friends EASY TO FOLLOW DIRECTIONS: Cut spaghetti squash in half, scoop out seeds, drizzle with olive oil and lightly salt, bake face up 1 hour at 350-400 degrees Saute veggies for 5 minutes in pot: onion, zucchini...

Removing the Chains: Cleansing from the Inside

Removing the Chains: Cleansing from the Inside

10 Signs You May Have a Toxic Overload "Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work." 2 Timothy 2:21 We are all exposed to toxins from our environment daily....

10 Tips for Healthy Looking Skin

10 Tips for Healthy Looking Skin

10 Tips for Healthy-Looking Skin by Marcia Sommariva To obtain beautiful skin it is vital to maintain a healthy diet. Colorful fruits and vegetables, low-fat proteins, nuts and beans are all good examples of healthy foods. When you don't eat life supporting elements,...

Foundation Principle #2: FOOD!

Foundation Principle #2: FOOD!

8 Golden Rules That Contribute to Healthy Eating by Julie Mitchell Next to oxygen and water, food is the most important element you actively bring into your body in order to live life. The quality and quantity of your life is directly related to the quality of the...

Peach Frosty

Peach Frosty

(The Trinity Diet) 8 servings Ingredients 2 envelopes of unflavored gelatin 2 tbs. of apple juice concentrate 7 cups of frozen peaches, sliced 6 tbs. of water Directions In a small mixing bowl, soft gelatin in apple juice concentrate and mix with 6 tbs. of water Put...

Foundation Principle #1: WATER!

Foundation Principle #1: WATER!

DRINK WATER! Could losing weight, getting rid of headaches, pooping daily, body/mind healing, feeling better overall … really be this simple for some people? YES! Water intake and fluid balance are among the least understood and most neglected areas of overall health...

Freedom to Be Well

Freedom to Be Well

  7 Ways to Walk in Wellness Freedom by Julie Mitchell The Fourth of July allows us the celebration of the beginning, the foundation, of our great country. On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress gave its stamp of approval to the final draft of the Declaration...

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